Monday, October 6, 2008


Yup, that time of the week again, after almost 2 months! I met Jo over lunch.
Nice place (Boca Grande - I can NEVER go there on a date. I will always picture Jo sitting, and us talking about the girls and the noises ;-) we all would have made if we were eating there at that moment), yummy drinks, and pretty decent food.
Jo pulled her lunch hour till like 3 pm, and that, more than anything else was sooo nice!

So what was it all about? The girls, jobs, boys (yecchhhh.... who needs those when yu have 50 pairs of shoes and a pound of chocolate at home? argh... BIG time damage control due now!!!!), dirty jokes and anything and everything under the sun.

The best afternoon meal I have had in such a long time. But one point to remember, next time we skip the Tiramisu.

1 comment:

kaaya's said...

hehehe..marsha n me seem to hang out thr quite often :)agree to ur very app assessment of the food :)